About Us
Let's work together
Our multi-disciplinary team specializes in the media, telecom and IT industries, and provides strategic advice to businesses, large corporations, governments and international organizations, with a particular focus on the following areas.
- Digital Inclusion and Development
- Media and Internet Law and Regulation
- Digital Entrepreneurship
- Internet of Things
- Big Data
- Artificial Intelligence
We also provide support and mentorship to entrepreneurs and small businesses, from business planning, sales and corporate governance to branding, digital design and marketing.
Who We Are and Who We Work With
Our team has been at the forefront of new technologies (even predicting their growth and impact), delivered advice and services to industry players (e.g., BT, Liberty Global), policy makers, the European Commission, the UN and The World Bank, among others, and have been entrepreneurs in the digital space. We offer a unique combination of technical, policy, legal, socio-economic, and business expertise, and pride ourselves in our attention to detail, accompanied by a full grasp of the big picture. Whether you are a new company, an established enterprise or a government agency, we look forward to working with you on your journey to success.
Enjoy The Best Experience with Us
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